Yogacentralen runs a very unique business model offering advantages both for students and teachers. YC is the platform together with the easy-to-use booking system on The students pay and book online using a punchcard system. You as the teacher can concentrate on showing your colors and giving great yoga instruction within the style and the levels you prefer. You will be compensated in proportion to the number of students you have as an entrepreneur according to our business agreement. YC also provides space for your classe series (e.g. four Sundays in a row), workshops and other yoga related activities.

We provide you with a well equipped yoga studio in a prime location, and you are the one to shine!

Contact if you want to hear more about teaching classes and workshops. We are an inclusive place with room for many colors and styles of yoga. YC enables you and your students to find "the happiness that is always there"...

NOT just Peter&Jack’s
yoga studio

NOT just renting a
room for yoga in


